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Barbara has always loved drawing, painting and writing stories. After too many years doing other, no doubt important stuff, she is now doing what she loves, drawing, painting and writing stories!

Initially a single children’s book it has now grown into a trilogy. Set in medieval times it’s about a lonely, isolated Prince and an equally lonely, isolated dragon. They meet and become best friends, going on, in books two and three, to face many challenges which together they overcome.

The books are written in a quirky, humorous style that entertains both the reader and the read-to; with 5,000 to 6,000 words broken up into short chapters. Scattered throughout the pages are Barbara’s lavishly-detailed watercolour paintings – two or three to a page.

The books are an ideal gift for the parent or grandparent wanting a less computerised story in a more distinctive style.


"This timeless tale of a hapless prince on a dragon hunt is a delight for young readers and the young-at-heart. Beautifully told with quiet wit and delicate watercolour illustrations, Barbara Glass’s story is a must for dragon lovers everywhere."

"With their cast of colourful characters and Barbara's amusing illustrations, these books provide a thoroughly enjoyable read."

"My 11 year old son and I love Barbara Glass' dragon tales. We laugh out loud at the  hilarious antics of her unlikely hero and his even unlikelier friends. The illustrations are beautiful and really bring the story to life. There is an original card game included also which meant the fun could continue after we'd finished reading!"

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